Amazon MAY 2010 Event Calendar

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fun Facts about

  • Jeff Bezos coined the term from the earlier name
  • Started as an online bookstore
  • Original goal was to offer products from the alphabet letters A-Z
  • is names after the world's largest river, The Amazon River
  • Amazon has an online grocery service, AmazonFresh
  • Douglas Hofstader's "...Computer models" was the 1st book sold by
  • Their slogan is "...and You're Done."

Amazon fights demand for customer records

Original post by Declan McCullagh on
April 19, 2010 filed a lawsuit on Monday to fend off a sweeping demand from North Carolina's tax collectors: detailed records including names and addresses of customers and information about exactly what they purchased.

The lawsuit says the demand violates the privacy and First Amendment rights of Amazon's customers. North Carolina's Department of Revenue had ordered the online retailer to provide full details on nearly 50 million purchases made by state residents between 2003 and 2010.

Amazon is asking a federal judge in Seattle to rule that the demand is illegal, and left open the possibility of requesting a preliminary injunction against North Carolina's tax collectors.

"The best-case scenario for customers would be where the North Carolina Department of Revenue withdraws their demand because they recognize that it violates the privacy rights of North Carolina residents," Amazon spokesperson Mary Osako told CNET.

Because Amazon has no offices or warehouses in North Carolina, it's not required to collect the customary 5.75 percent sales tax on shipments, although tax collectors have reminded residents that what's known as a use tax applies on anything "purchased or received" through the mail. The dispute arose out of what had otherwise been a routine sales and use tax audit of Amazon by North Carolina's tax agency.

A spokeswoman for the North Carolina Department of Revenue said she would have to review the lawsuit before answering why the tax agency needed Amazon customer information. "Any comment at this time would be premature," Beth Stevenson said in an e-mail message.

Amazon did provide the state tax collectors with anonymized information about which items were shipped to which zip codes. But North Carolina threatened to sue if the retailer did not also divulge the names and addresses linked to each order--in other words, personally identifiable information that could be used to collect additional use taxes that might be owed by state residents.

"Despite assurances from tax collectors that the era of Big Brother isn't here, they seem to be doing a lot to rewrite the book for modern times," Pete Sepp, the executive vice president for the National Taxpayers Union, told CNET. "Unless Amazon succeeds, extraordinary demands like these could become the norm."

The 14-page complaint says that North Carolina tax collectors visited Amazon in Seattle last month in an effort to "obtain information from Amazon regarding Amazon's sales to North Carolina residents." They hand-delivered a letter that amounted to an ultimatum: provide customer names by April 19 or face the consequences.

"Amazon must either comply with the (tax collectors') information request and violate the privacy and First Amendment rights of Amazon and its North Carolina customers, or refuse to comply with a request from a state agency that has stated its intention to issue an administrative summons," the complaint says. It adds that there is "no discernible need" for tax collectors "to know the identities and other personal information linking specific customers with any purchase, much less purchases of books, movies, music and other expressive works."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

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